Sunday, August 24, 2008

Everything Is Possible 2007 - Wrap Up

Since 1989 when the disease received a name victims have been taught to be silent. What I can never wrap my mind around is how over 200 million people in this world that have a disease that does hold a life expectancy can remain silent. Hepatitis C does kill. It kills slowly and 80% of the time there are absolutely no signs or symptoms someone is infected until damage is done to the liver, then ya get some symptoms. How do people remain silent? Other people say they must or be subject to ridicule. Ignorance is dangerous.

So the first thing Everything Is Possible 2007 planned to do is raise voices and it did. Beginning October 2006 it was not long before musicians from Belgium, Spain, Italy, France, Mexico, Ireland and around the US, all said they wanted to be here. They all pledged their performances. They all agreed if a sponsor would pay their travel and hotel they would proudly advertise the sponsor in a variety of ways.

Many other people jumped up and said yes. People from around the world created and posted banners on their personal pages showing their support for the event. Everyone agreed that if a sponsor would support a band's travel and hotel stay they would fly a banner that showed that sponsor's name.

Sons of Hermann in Dallas Texas donated the venue: The Grand Hall of SOH is listed as a Landmark in Historic Registries as well as the best venue for live music in multiple years by readers of the largest "what's happening?" newspaper in Dallas, The Dallas Observer.

In early June, 2007 we have the support by the public necessary to enlist sponsors: Banners are not only flown, bulletins, blogs and emails were sent by a growing force of people asking for other people to do the same. Viewers of banners grows 10 thousand people a week for months. Sponsorship solicitation begins by Debbullan Inc. Corporations in the music business are approached for sponsorship: Manufacturers of equipment, record labels, recording studios and more. Corporations in the health industry were approached (no pharmaceutical companies were approached). Transportation leaders were approached. Internet as well as Corporations in the private sector…In the end three responses were received, we were ignored by the rest. The answer…no, no, no.

BUT Everything Is Possible 2007 had to go on because people around the world were excited about it. NEVER have people around the world rallied for just one aspect of Hep C, in this case awareness. Simple awareness. That was the full reason for Everything Is Possible 2007. Hep C exists but is ignored. Hep C kills but is ignored. Hep C affects a world population but is ignored. Hep C affects 200 million people worldwide but does not compete in proactive attention as the next most formidable blood borne virus, HIV does (affects 33 million people worldwide). People stepped up to say they wanted to see this changed. So without sponsorship of any corporation two bands from Belgium, one from Spain and many bands from around Texas along with one musician from Tennessee converge on Sons Of Hermann. The music was outstanding. Everything Is Possible 2007 is complete. It's in the books. It was reported in Newspapers and on Radio in both Belgium and Spain. With multiple press releases submitted to US media, the story was never picked up.

Keep talking about it 'cause we aint' done. Stories were told tearfully over and over again by people that were touched by the enormity of this unspoken disease during their involvement with Everything Is Possible 2007. In talking about it they learned someone they know has the disease and has never spoken of it or has lost someone very close to the disease or has a loved one that is a victim to Hep C. Some learned the problems they face dulled when compared to the problems people with Hep C face.

Thanks to absolutely everyone around the world that was a part of this beginning. We're working on offering the recording of the entire 12 hours of the event.

A panoramic and artistic presentation of all the performers and speakers at Everything Is Possible 2007 can be viewed on explorer at this address:

Peace and Health

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