Monday, February 19, 2007


Everything Is Possible 2007 is a unified effort, lead by musicians, to bring positive awareness of Hep C to a GLOBAL residence.
    Initial information for the event is available at…yes you guessed it, a MySpace. Specifically Your Space HCV


        ”Everything Is Possible 2007" is proclaimed to be the WOODSTOCK of Hep C awareness. As the original WOODSTOCK held a theme of social awareness in a political sense and was aimed at residence of the US, Everything Is Possible 2007 holds the theme of positive awareness of Hep C and is aimed at residence of the World.”

        Prior to WOODSTOCK only a small part of the United States knew who the performers were that took the stage. After WOODSTOCK EVERYONE came to know and love the artists music.

        There is also an altruistic reason involved here. Whether you know it or not someone you know is infected or they know someone affected by Hep C. This is FACT. The definition of “Affected”: “Influenced in a harmful way; impaired, harmed, or attacked, as by climate or disease.”

        Unfortunately what most people in the world do not know is that Hep C does affect us all. It is the best, hidden secret and is the number one blood borne virus in the world today. Hepatitis C surpassed HIV in number of victims years ago. Yet the main populous is unaware of this fact, of what Hep C is or how victims of HIV can be co-infected by HCV.
            Hepatitis C is caused by the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The virus can only be transmitted by blood contact. The Hep C virus infects the blood system and specifically attacks the human liver. It was the first "virus" officially listed as a carcinogenic (known to cause [liver] cancer), the disease is also responsible for cirrhosis of the liver and complete liver failure. Victims have been made to remain silent due to the negative connotation associated with this disease. In most cases victims are immediately associated with illegal, drug use. This fact will shortly be officially dispelled. Why? Because this fact is "ERRONEOUS" definitions of which: 1) containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong: an erroneous an erroneous answer. 2) Straying from what is moral, decent, proper, etc.
              For example, throwing out these age factors: You are 15 to 25 years old. You are either leading, subject to or fully involved in becoming part of the in-crowd. So, you do whatever is necessary to fit in. This may include cocaine or intravenous drugs…just once does it. You try it once.
                Jump ahead, you are now 40+ years old. You hold a respectable job, work in a respectable field, have a family or have just simply grown up. Your youth is a fond memory.
                  You go to your MD for whatever reason and find you have Hep C. You also find out that you were infected up to 15-25 YEARS ago and it is just now showing up in your blood test. Which means it has layed dormant for all these years and has just begun to attack your liver. While it lays dormant in a victim's blood stream the virus is fully transmittable. Also, keep in mind Hep C was not even given a name until 1989. There was no medical warning of the disease 18 years ago.
                    Your immediate reaction, what the heck is Hep C? Your first education: Hep C is a drug user’s disease. Do you want to keep your infection a secret? Are you now or were you ever a drug user? See the problem?
                      Basically most victims learn to keep their mouths shut. This and its dormancy are reasons this disease has been named “The Silent Killer”. Whether you were infected with Hep C by the above scenario, or by blood transfusion (prior to 1992), work in the medical industry, a member of proud military service from the Vietnam era, are simply one of the 10% who has no idea how you contracted Hep C or a victim of the myriad of ways you came into blood contact with a victim unknowingly…you may be lumped into the category of current DRUG USER. 200 million people on this earth are not drug users. This is what EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE 2007 is about. A break in the silence by both victims and their family and friends. Mass awareness and positive understanding will lead to positive a progression of a humane treatment and eventually, cure.

                        Victims have a disease that is known to have a life expectancy. They are made to keep this disease a secret. In the US there are no governmental assistance programs in place for victims of Hep C. Perhaps the main reason…not enough people are asking for them.

                          WHY DOES HEP C AFFECT YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HEP C?
                              Take a look at health insurance rates of late. Hep C is the number one cause of Liver Transplants in the US. The average liver transplant costs $250,000 (usd). This is only the beginning; Anti-rejection drugs must be taken for the remainder of the victim's entire life ($4,000 to 10,000 / year). If a victim does opt for the 50% chance of successful treatment the cost is about $50,000 dollars a year. Hep C ain't no joke and it ain't going away. The World Health Organization calls Hepatitis C a “Viral Time Bomb”

                              There are OVER 5 million victims in the US. There are 200 million victims worldwide. According to every responsible reporting source, due to the dormancy of the disease and how Hep C can be spread during it's dormancy, the number of victims has only just begun to surface.

                              Whether you are a resident of the US or a resident of any other Country having supportive health care, you, personally are paying for the devastation Hep C reaks on any health care system. The costs have only just begun.
                                  Join in, musician or no, raise your voices in song or uniformity across the world. Help Make This Disease Understood. Help Make A Difference.

                                    For more information visit, Your Space HCV. Or email: (emails to Debbullan: Reference Everything Is Possible 2007 in the heading to be correctly directed).